McGibbon Consultancy and Safeguarding Services provides training, consultancy and assessments of risk and interventions on behalf of a wide range of statutory, voluntary and community organisations.
Located in Northern Ireland McGibbon Consultancy provides services across Ireland, the UK and internationally.
As a Northern Ireland Social Care Registered Social Worker Gareth Mc Gibbon, Director has over 20 years experience both as a clinician and as a manager of service delivery in the fields of social work and criminal justice. A recognised specialist in the assessment of risk and provision of interventions within the sexual abuse and domestic violence fields McGibbon Consultancy can ensure defensible decision making processes in the management of risk and harm to children and vulnerable adults.

NISCC registered
The Social Care Council is helping to raise standards in the social care workforce by registering social care workers; setting standards for their conduct and practice and supporting their professional development.
Gareth is trained in the range of sex offender and domestic violence assessment tools, including but not limited to, Static 99R, Risk Matrix 2000, AIM3, TA- HSB, Stable and Acute 2007, ARMIDILO-S, SAPROF, HCR-20, DASH, SARA, B-SAFER and the VRS-SO. Gareth is also the co-author of the CASP structured professional judgement framework. He is an accredited trainer for Stable and Acute 2007 and an associate of AIM UK. Gareth regularly provides training in all of these tools to a range of professional disciplines, including police, psychologists and social workers.
As a former Chair within the Northern Ireland Public Protection Arrangements between 2011 and 2017 Gareth was responsible for the risk assessment and coordination of risk management plans of sexual and domestic violence offenders subject to supervision by the statutory agencies within Northern Ireland.

Gareth’s experience within the criminal justice system in the areas of public protection, safeguarding and programmes of intervention for both sexual and domestic violence is employed locally, nationally and internationally.
Gareth is the current deputy chair of the British Association of Social Workers (NI).
A full list of organisations I work with
- Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children
- Department of Corrections – NZ
- Queens University Belfast
- University of Auckland
- TUSLA – Child & Family Agency
- Daughters of Charity Disability Support Services
- Salvation Army
- Belfast Health and Social Care Trust (H&SCT)
- Southern H&SCT
- Western H&SCT
- Northern H&SCT
- Eastern H&SCT
- AIM Project
- Welsh Police
- West Berkshire Council
- Birmingham Council
- Gwynedd Council
- Derby City Council
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Community Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
- Swindon Borough Council
- Kingsmere Youth Offending Service
- Caerphilly County Borough Council
- Lancashire County Council
- Cambridgeshire YOS and Sexual Behaviour Service
- Hexagon Care Services
- Oxford Community Camhs
- Lancashire Youth Offending Services (YOS)
- Stockport YOS
- Southwark Council
- One in Four (Dublin)
- Thorndale Family Centre Belfast
Training delivered in this quarter
Confrences attended
Organisations and government bodies worked with
Keynote speeches in this quarter
Upcoming events & Calendar
AIM 3 Training
9-10 September
AIM3 Training
Hexagon Care Preston
11-12 September
BASW Independents
Seminar – Belfast
13th September
AIM 3 Training
Cambridgeshire YOS
16-17th September